My Top 20 Grocery List Staples

A massive part of building healthier habits is keeping a well-stocked pantry that can adapt to many recipes on a whim. 

Creating nourishing recipes that are based on a number of the same ingredients, is going to help makes things simpler – which often is enough for us to not cook at home.

Each week as I’m jotting down my grocery list staples I run through some base ingredients which I know will be useful. Making sure they’re topped up.  If you’ve followed me for a while now, you’ll notice that I have my favourite pantry staples that are repeated in different ways.  I believe this is the key to being able to create and maintain the habit of creating healthy meals at home.

These are by no means my list of most nutritious pantry items, rather, simple items that are healthy and versatile.  My usual vegetable stock up goes the way and above this list – just a select few that top my grocery list on a regular basis.

Top 20 Grocery List Staples

1. Plain Greek Yoghurt 

I don’t even worry if it’s not non-fat and generally go with the nice thick full fat.  Used in smoothies, casseroles, baking, or just on its own we love yoghurt. Packed with protein, probiotics and B12.

2. Chia seeds

These are your best friends if you are wishing to lose body fat. Chia seeds have an outstanding amount of fibre (leaving us feeling fuller), omega-3’s, protein and calcium. Jazz up any smoothie, salad, energy ball, breakfast soak, I could go on and on.  The seeds are tasteless so easy to include in your recipes. 

3. Natural Muesli

Here, more expensive does not always equal better.  I try to stay away from the ones that are chock full of fruit, as this amps up the sugar content. Oats can help lower cholesterol reabsorption,  contain fibre and protein with the added benefits of antioxidants. Throw it in your smoothie, bake healthy biscuits or grind into flour

4. Baby Spinach

baby spinach

More tender than it’s more mature spinach – it is super versatile.  Thrown into salads, on sandwiches, used in bolognaise sauce or with eggs and vegetables, spinach is vitamin and mineral-rich.

5. Hemp seeds

Simply awesome with a salad, hemp seeds are high in protein and healthy fats and contain all the essential amino acids we require for optimal health. Throw them in smoothie, bliss balls or eat them as a healthy snack!

6. Free Range Eggs

How good are eggs! They are the complete meal and so easy to whip up. Try a breakfast bowl, fritters, on their own or in bakes. Check out why their back in fashion and healthy again…

7. Almonds

As a snack, ground into flour or made into milk, almonds are a popular choice for my household. Full of healthy fats, they nourish the nervous system and lower blood sugar levels after meals

8. Tinned Tuna

For those times that you don’t have time, tuna patties are my all-time fave anytime meal, or pop on a salad, rice cakes or sushi!

9. Turmeric Paste 

If you’re familiar with fresh turmeric it’s a ghastly beast in the sense it leaves yellow stains everywhere from the natural oils.  All-natural turmeric paste is fermented in vinegar and easy to add to dishes that are looking for that bit of oomph. Did you see my post about turmeric and its benefits?

10. Organic Tamari

Instead of soy sauce, tamari has less salt and is gluten-free. Used in stir-fry’s, spring rolls, on salads and sauces it is a low sugar alternative to dressings and sauces.


+ Cocao Powder

+ Coconut Oil

+ Coconut Flour

+ Dates

+ Pumpkin/Sunflower Seeds

+ Brown Rice

+ Avocado

+ Organic Butter

+ Rice/Oat Milk


What doesn’t miss your grocery list each week…apart from chocolate;)



nutrition and health coaching

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