One Pan Turmeric and Vegetable Breakfast Bowl – Low Carb

vegetable and turmeric breakfast bowl

Perhaps you’re feeling a little run down, lacking energy or haven’t had a decent meal with veggies for a while.  While the thought of sitting yourself down to a plate of freshly steamed vegetables may not get you over the line – perhaps this dish, my mish-mash breakfast bowl might!

Even though I have named this a breakfast bowl, it really can be an ‘anytime’ bowl.  By golly, I’ve eaten it at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and find it so satisfying. Really, what stipulates what to eat and when except for our crazy minds?

I have included a basic list of ingredients but it’s a recipe that calls for whatever is in your fridge at the time. If you have eggs and at least two veggies it will work!

Turmeric is the complementary flavour in this meal that also acts as an anti-inflammatory throughout the system. Countless studies have shown that turmeric is a potent food medicine with curcumin being the key active constituent of turmeric. When consumed correctly turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory (hello, sore muscles and joints), modulates blood sugar levels, and is said to inhibit cancer cells at a molecular level. For optimal curcumin absorption, it’s necessary to combine the heated turmeric with good fats such as coconut oil, milk or olive oil. You will also want to add a dash of black pepper for the piperine molecule that enhances curcumin uptake and bioavailability. Did you catch my Feta, Smashed Pea and Turmeric Fritters?

One Pan Turmeric and Vegetable Breakfast Bowl

INGREDIENTS – makes 2 serves

1 cup slightly steamed broccoli (and chop up the stems!)

1 cup cooked pumpkin

1/2 cup steamed zucchini

1 cup loose baby spinach leaves

3 tbs sunflower seeds, (or pumpkin seeds etc)

2 tsp freshly grated turmeric

4 free-range eggs, beaten

1 tsp pepper

turkey, chicken, bacon (optional)


  1. Heat a small amount of coconut oil in a frypan over medium heat. Place all the veggies in the frypan, adding in turmeric, pepper and seeds – stir to combine (add in meat here  if desired)
  2. Add the beaten eggs – pouring over the top to cover the vegetables
  3. Allow the egg to cook until you see bubbles forming and gently flip over the mixture in sections. It doesn’t really matter how rough you are with this, as long as the egg is able to cook through in sections.
  4. Enjoy!


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