Teresa Cutter’s Gluten Free Banana Bread and Green Smoothie

I have a treat for you today with The healthy chef, Teresa Cutter sharing her Gluten free banana bread and immune boosting green smoothie.

Perfect for a mid morning snack or pick me up these recipes are brimming with goodness.

And don’t thank me yet.. I also have 5 x double passes to giveaway to the upcoming Health and Fitness Expo in Sydney on October 18 and 19, where you catch Teresa doing live cooking demonstrations plus learn a truck load more from some of the top fitness and health experts in the country.

gluten free banana bread

Gluten Free Banana Bread


Makes 1 loaf

+  300 g (10  1/2  oz)  smashed ripe banana

+  3 free range / organic eggs

60 g ( 2 oz / 2 tablespoons) raw honey or organic maple syrup

+  1 teaspoon vanilla

+  60 g (2 oz/  1/4 cup)  macadamia nut oil or cold pressed olive oil

half teaspoon ground cinnamon

+  1/2  tsp baking soda ( bicarb soda) + 1 tbsp lemon juice

+  200 g ( 2 cups/ 7  oz) ) almond meal

+  25 g (1/4 cup / 3/4  oz)  ground flaxseed (linseed) or chia seed

Preheat your oven to 160 C.

1//  Combine smashed banana, honey, oil, cinnamon, vanilla, eggs, bicarb and lemon. ( the lemon activates the bicarb). You can do this by hand in a large bowl or with a good blender such as a Vitamix.

2//  Add the almond meal and flaxseed and mix well.

3//  Lightly oil one loaf tin and then coat liberally with extra almond meal or desiccated coconut – this will prevent the cake from sticking. The size I used was: 10 1/2 cm wide and 26 cm long.

4//  Spoon batter into the tin and bake for  45  minutes to 1 hour ( a skewer inserted into the centre should come out dry).

5//  Cover the top with foil if over-browning.

6//  Remove from the oven and allow to cool before turning out the loaf.

Makes 1 loaf serves 12, keeps in the fridge covered for up to 1 week.

Serving Suggestions:Ricotta + Honey Almond Butter Plain + Simple Sliced banana + blueberry + raw honey

NOTES:I love to decorate the top of my banana bread before baking with sliced banana or a handful of chopped walnuts and a lightly sprinkle of cinnamon.

Protein: 6.1 g, Carbs: 10g, , Saturated: 1.7 g, Kilojoules: 828,

Immune green smoothieImmune Boosting Green Smoothie


What’s great about it: Citrus is rich is vitamin C that helps boost immune function and helps to deactivate histamine in the body, relieving nasal congestion. Leafy greens such as spinach and parsley are anti-inflammatory to the body and loaded with phyto-nutrients and zinc to nourish your immune system.

+  2 Whole Oranges

+  1 Whole lime

+  1/2 Whole lemon

+  1 large handful baby spinach leaves or your choice of greens?small sprig parsley

+  1  1/2  – 2  cups water depending on your desired consistency ( see notes )

1//  Peel oranges, lime and lemon.

2//  Combine in a high performance blender like a Vitamix with baby spinach, parsley, Natural Immune Support and water.

3//  Blend for a few seconds until smooth.

Enjoyand allow your body to be nourished.?Serves 1


Pineapple – High vitamin C  – Contains Bromelain that aids digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Manuka Honey – Antibacterial to help fight virus and bacteria.

Ginger – Anti-inflammatory + helps promote gastric motility.

Turmeric – Natural antiviral with potent anti-inflammatory properties. High in curcumin a powerful antioxidant

Fermented Foods – This may include kefir (water, coconut or dairy versions), yoghurt, kombucha or a probiotic supplement.

Pumpkin seed – add 1 teaspoon to your smoothie before blending or use 1/4 cup pumpkin seed milk to replace some of the water in the recipe. High in zinc for optimum immune function.

NOTES:Some of your water can be replaced with coconut water, pumpkin seed milk or kefir if you prefer.

Protein: 3.7g,Total Fat: 0.5g,Saturated: 0,Carbs:17 g, Sugars:17,Fibre:7, Kilojoules: 399

Want to catch Teresa doing live cooking demonstrations?

Following the huge success of its parent show in Melbourne recently, the 2014 Australian Fitness & Health Expo heads to Olympic Park on October 18 and 19 to ensure Sydney-siders get their fitness hit.

Immerse yourself in more than 14,000 square metres of all things fitness including:

+ The very latest fitness gadgets, accessories, nutrition and clothing from top brands

+ Fitness celebrities and experts, including Commando Steve, who will run VIP training sessions and presentations over the two days, and Australia’s Healthy Chef Teresa Cutter (see recipes above);

+ Live sporting events including natural bodybuilding, powerlifting and the search to find Australia’s fittest man and woman;

The Fitness Show NSW will be open from 10am-5.30pm. Tickets cost $30 for one day or $50 for a two-day pass. Children under 12 can enter free.

I have 5 x double passes to the Australian Fitness and Health Expo be won (valued at $60)

To enter leave a simple comment below and I will choose 5 lucky ducks who can check out the show and take a friend for FREE! (Comp closes 4th August 2014)

Fine print.. Must be an Australian resident You have ‘liked’ my facebook page (this is where I will be announcing the winner) Leave a post comment below. The winners have 48 hours to claim the prize by emailing me or it will be redraw. Competition closes on Monday 4th August 2014 at midnight EST. This is a game of skill, entry’s are judged with the most creative winner being selected at the judges discretion. Please make sure there is a valid email address left so I can contact you should you win, otherwise prize will be forfeited. Only 1 entry per person (sharing on facebook allowed:)

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