Seedy Oat Loaf Recipe- The Muesli Slice Alternative

ssedy oat loaf

When we look at a dining menu, we already form perceptions in our minds of what something should taste like.  Sweet, salty, smooth, textured, umami – the usage of words blends and forms with past experiences we have around similar foods to form the basis of expectations.

When I was designing this recipe – I was after a slice that was not necessarily a sweet treat but rather a wholegrain alternative to help with energy levels while providing nutrition. Hence why the name seedy oat loaf came to mind. To me, I have no recollections of ever eating something with a similar name – unless it was bread – so I had no preconceptions of what it should taste like –   so I was pleasantly surprised.  With a hint of rice malt syrup – it is enough to take the edge off and satisfy your hunger until mealtime.

Seedy Oat Loaf Recipe- The Muesli Slice Alternative

Ingredients – makes 12 slices

200gm oats
250-gram wholemeal flour
60 grams sunflower seeds
60 grams of pumpkin seeds
1/2 tsp baking powder
4 tbs coconut oil
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup rice malt syrup
1 tsp vanilla 
1/2 cup water

How to Make

1.Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Mix all dry ingredients, rolled oats, flour, pumpkin seeds. sunflower seeds, baking soda, baking powder and cinnamon.

2. Melt the coconut oil and add the rice malt syrup and vanilla and stir to combine. Gradually add 1 cup water (you may require less) so it forms enough consistency to hold.

3. Press into greased or baking paper-lined pan, 9X13. Press until dough forms with the pan.

4. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes or until edges is browned. Take out and let cool entirely.

5. Cut into strips. Store in an airtight container.


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