Raw Coconut Rough – Our Staple Treat!

raw coconut rough 2

These morsels of deliciousness are described as “the bomb” in our house. Yep, my non-dairy eating husband has taken to these raw coconut roughs like a block of full cream chocolate. These were created by accident as I was throwing in things from my superfood pantry basket but are now a weekly staple in our fridge.

I call this recipe coconut roughs because the taste reminds me of the ones you buy in the confectionary aisle that are full of saturated fat, sugar and well not much else. These are protein-packed with the addition of almonds but not overpowered by them because I didn’t want something chock full of nuts (I eat enough of them already during the day). The coconut oil has many qualities and acts as a binding ingredient in the fridge.


+ 10-15 dates (less gives less sweetness)

+ 1 cup shredded coconut

+ 1/4 cup almond meal

+ 3 tbs raw cacao powder

+ 2 tbs coconut oil

+ 1 tsp vanilla paste

how to make

1 In a food processor add the dates and process until finely diced

2 Add each ingredient in order and process until it is dough-like but so it leaves the bowl clean and not too gooey. (add more almond meal if necessary)

3 Press out on to a tray and flatten with some baking paper

4  Place in the fridge or freezer for 30 minutes

5 Make in shapes or roll into balls. Store in the fridge or freezer.

raw coconut rough 

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