5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Energy

energy boost


It’s more common than we realise — debilitating tiredness, a feeling of ‘I can’t-get-out-of-bed’ and low stamina. Energy, in particular lack of, is certainly a buzzword on repeat as we struggle to keep up with the demands of life. From the moment we wake, we turn to a jolt of caffeine to get us humming and our café culture has a lot to answer for with regards to overstimulated and tired folk. With what used to be an innocent cup of Nescafe in the morning, our carefully barista prepared cup of joe is high on the caffeinated scale and our adrenals are paying for it.

Do you often wake in the mornings and think to yourself “I need a cup of coffee?” how about mid-afternoon? If coffee something you turn to when you are tired and looking for a pep up, this, unfortunately, could be masking hidden underlying problems that sends our body on daily energy defying rollercoaster rides, much like sugar does.

On top of this, workout supplements that promise ‘thermogenic” properties to assist in weight loss quite often use the coffee bean and guarana. This plays havoc on an already stressed adrenal system and liver, eventually leading to hormonal imbalances. For these reasons, it is best to reduce stimulants and improve your nutrition through other avenues of your diet and lifestyle.

Sure, it takes time and maintaining a healthy body is an ongoing process but anything that returns a quick result will be hard to sustain or have long term repercussions.

Just by simply making some changes to your eating habits through natural methods is by far the better option!

5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Energy

  1. Watch the ‘white stuff’

This is a no brainer but so effective. Do you find yourself in a carb coma after lunch or dinner and find it hard to get motivated to do anything?  Simple carbohydrates and refined grains in the form white bread, pasta, cookies, cakes, fries etc is a major culprit and energy zapper so be mindful of how much you consume each day. Aim to crowd out ‘white’ processed foods with heaps of veggies, proteins and good fats.

  1. Superfoods

These are foods that I relate to being nutrient-dense. Superfoods enhance a healthy diet and supply an array of nutrients that may be lacking in our food today.  Just a teaspoon here or a sprinkle there is all you need to introduce to your diet especially if you tend to be a creature of habit with your meals (same ingredients). 

  1. Reduce caffeine

I’m sorry you probably didn’t want to confront this, but what may be giving you energy is ultimately your undoing. There are some great alternatives to coffee to ease you through a period of reduction, such as decaffeinated coffee, herbal teas, roasted dandelion root to bring you back to no more than a cup a day.

  1. Sleep

Sleep is simple and free. Make a priority to go to bed 30 mins earlier night each night until you wake with more bounce in your day. 

  1. Cut the sugar

Like caffeine, sugar acts as a system stressor altering our cortisol levels leaving us worn out and plain feeling like poo.  Fruit is a natural sugar hit but with nutrients (1-2 max a day), so when a sweet craving comes a knocking, turn to the fruit bowl. Take note of everything you eat for a day and you may be surprised at the amount of sugar consumed (read the label) and try to remain within 6-8 tsp or approx. 25 grams (fruit and milk excluded if within reason). It is a process of switching your tastebuds to a more savoury palate, but the great news is that it does happen if given the chance.

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