Summer Celebration Raw Mango Cheesecake

raw mango cheesecake

This weekend, Australia celebrates all that makes up our country on January 26th. From catching up with friends, going for surfs and having BBQ – in essence, summertime is what Australia is all about.

Luckily for us, this means enjoying lots of seasonal fruit with mangos topping the polls as the favourite. Such a versatile fruit, the smell is heavenly and immediately sends you into a spin.

So, in keeping with this theme, I have created a cheesecake with mango as the base ingredient.  Feel free to stick with mango in this recipe if you would like to intensify the flavour or go with stone fruits for 50%. 

Dairy-free, gluten-free and refined sugar-free plus this raw mango cheesecake is vegan so put away that pavlova and try this little beauty this weekend.

Summer Celebration Raw Mango Cheesecake


+ 1 cup walnuts/almonds

+ 6 figs or 8 dates if these are your preference

+ 3/4 cup shredded coconut

  1. Process all ingredients in a blender and press into a round baking tin lined with greaseproof paper
  2. Place in the fridge to set

Top layer

+ pulp from 2 mangos

+ 2 tsp vanilla

+ 4 tbs coconut butter

+ 5 tbs rice malt syrup

+ 3 tbs arrowroot powder or 1/2 cup almond meal (the almond meal makes it a thicker consistency) or both!  Personal preference here!

  1. Process all ingredients together minus the arrowroot (or almond meal). Gradually stir through the arrowroot (almond meal) until you have the consistency you’re after. Evenly pour the contents onto the prepared base.
  2. Set in fridge for 2 hours before serving. This sets as it cools
  3. Enjoy!!

raw mango cheesecake


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