Festive Yoghurt Berry Tiramisu

My space here is all about maintaining a healthy lifestyle while finding the balance with family and looking after ourself.  In keeping with this theme, I’m always on the hunt to try and find healthy wholefood treats that suit the season.  It is not an easy feat let me tell you.  

This berry tiramisu is indulgent without it being too over the top. In my view, if we can make any treat a little healthier, then that is being productive and in line with our long-term goals – without sacrificing taste.

Festive Yoghurt Berry Tiramisu


+ 1 x 500gm packet of sponge finger biscuits
+ 300gm of mixed berries frozen or fresh
+ 2 x 720gm Natural pot set yoghurt 
+ 1 x block of Lindt dark peppermint chocolate
+ fresh mint leaves

1.  Layer your dish with sponge finger biscuits to line the bottom

2. Dollop yoghurt layer over the top of biscuits then finely grated chocolate and berries

3.  Repeat to fill the dish, with the top layer finish with yoghurt, finely grated chocolate and mint leaves to garnish.  Passionfruit is optional here.

4.  The sponge finger biscuits absorb a lot of the yoghurt so don’t be put off by the amount, and make it at least 4 hours before you intend on serving it so that it has time to settle.  It is that easy!!


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