Do you follow Ironwoman Racing? If you do then you would have heard about the beautiful soul that Jordan Mercer is.. If not, then allow me to introduce you.
Jordan Mercer comes from Ironman royalty after her dad, Darren pioneered the way during the early years of professional Ironman racing. The 22-year-old, 5 x M2O (Molokai to Oahu) paddleboard champion has achieved major feats already, showing that she is a tough competitor and thrives on everything ocean-related!
I remember when Jordy was born (showing my age now) which is why is has been a pleasure to watch Jordie race and prove to everyone that she is in her own right a force to be dealt with in the Ironwoman circles.
Last month Jordie stamped her authority as the best Ironwoman in the country by winning her first Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Ironwoman Series title. Here is a little insight into what it takes to be the best…
Jordan Mercer Ironwoman
Q Hay Jordie, congrats on winning the recent Kellogg’s Ironwoman Series – I guess this has been a natural progression for you. What do you feel was different this year?
There weren’t any major changes with my training program or diet this year. Each time I race I learn so much, I am not afraid of making mistakes I always feel like I am progressing and evolving if I can learn from my mistakes. Up until this season, I have come close to a Nutri-Grain series race victory many times just falling short. It hurts to know that a poor decision, locking up under pressure or a poor swim leg has cost me my dream. But nothing hurts more than making the same mistake twice. So I always promise myself to learn and grow and never make the same mistake twice.
Maybe this year I had finally learned enough to be the champion I have worked towards. I think it was finally my time. Or maybe I just ran out of mistakes…?
I had Kirsty Higgison to train, prepare and share my journey with this year. The first time in 5 Nutri-Grain seasons that I had trained with a female fellow competitor. I think this helped me a lot. I also ended up having the most fun I have ever had.
I had otherwise just had the Noosa masters and younger boys and girls to train with. This was something exciting, challenging, fresh and new.
Q Describe a typical day for you training/time management wise with other commitments:
A Greet the day with a positive thought, eat half a blue dinosaur paleo bar or a banana. (Not a huge banana fan, but I know they are good for me.)
Run to the pool at 5 am
Swim from 5.30 am till 7.30 run home.
Breakfast! I always look forward to breaky! I especially love making it for my family before they are off to work or Uni.
The middle of my weekdays are usually filled with, calls, emails, school visits, a sneaky nap a nice lunch.
Afternoon training, F45 gym session followed by surf session. Twice a week.
Each afternoon surf training either
on the board, ski or an IronWoman session.
Saturday morning is a big IronWoman session with the Noosa Heads training crew. I actually get nervous on Friday afternoons just thinking about the pain I am going to put myself through. Saturdays are often rewarding. Sunday, surf, light run, patrol, try to relax.

Q Do you feel listening to your body plays a big part in what you do?
A Yes certainly. That is something I am always trying to tune into and nobody knows your body better than you. That doesn’t mean I find it easy. Always trial and error, trying to look out for warning signs, what kind of pain is apart of the job, what kind of pain is a warning sign. My body is my office essentially. It is all I have to work with. Listening to my body is the name of the game. If I have to call upon my body at intense times to do extreme things I need to give back and to it, nourish my body and rest… I’m not the best at this. But I’m getting better.
Q What do you feel you’ve overcome/learnt in the last couple of years that have made you a better athlete today?
A Not completely, but I am learning how best to deal with the pressure that comes with being at the top, the pressure that comes with my family’s dominant history in the sport. Also, to make the connection with the ocean I have into my racing and to use it to my advantage. I am learning every day, I listen and watch people from all walks of life and find I draw inspiration, wisdom and knowledge from their actions or words. I just want to be the best person I can be, do what makes me happy and allow myself to inspire people to dream big, be true to themselves and give kindness freely to others.
I understand that with power comes responsibility. I am very aware of my position as a role model for the younger generations. I take that seriously. It means a lot to me. I’m adamant to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Q What foods make up the majority of your Jordan Mercers diet?
A Meats, vegetables, fruit, nuts and a small amount of carbs and grains.

Q What foods do you steer away from? Why? Processed unhealthy food. It doesn’t make me feel good. I don’t mind the taste of chocolate, chips and ice cream. If I feel like I deserve it. I’ll treat myself.
A I still crave processed unhealthy food. I just know it’s often not worth eating them.
Q What is your favourite healthy snack?
A Acai bowl! I love making and creating my own healthy snacks. ?
Q How does Jordan Mercer relax..
A Read a book, spend time in the ocean having fun, play the guitar, play music, watch a movie, spend time with happy people.
Thanks so much, Jordie, and all the very best of luck for the future x
Photo credit – GC Bulletin