6 Ways You Can Easily Cull Your Child’s Sugar Intake

child sugar habits

This time of year, it’s especially important to take extra care of our child’s nutrition.  We are in the thick of cold and flu season and there is a lot riding on their immune systems to be strong and effective.  

A little sugar here and there in your child’s diet isn’t going to overly rock the boat, as long as a ‘little’ doesn’t escalate to ‘normal’ or ‘every day’. Store-bought snacks may appear to be healthy choices, but it can be quite confronting to understand what is stated on the front of a packet as it does not equate to reality.

Sugar has an immune-suppressing effect as it competes for space in our white blood cells against vitamin C (which we need to fight bacteria and viruses).  The more sugar our children eat, the less vitamin C their cells store, therefore a weakened immune system.

There’s strong scientific evidence pointing towards sugars negative impact on health, which has led the World Health Organization to reduce its recommendation for sugar intake to no more than 6 teaspoons (or 25 grams) of sugar per day. Too much sugar can increase the risk of becoming overweight and obese.

Unfortunately, there is no governing body to regulate what’s sold at supermarkets in regard to sugar content in foods marketed towards children, so it’s easy to be caught up thinking everything is dandy. To make things easier I have listed some helpful tacts you can adopt to keep track of your child’s sugar intake.

6 Ways You Can Cull Your Child’s Sugar Intake

1.Differentiate between sweet and sweet

Children’s taste buds can become so groomed to snacks that are sweet. If it’s snack time and your child is turning their head away from savoury snacks, offer fruit.

In Australia, we are spoilt with great choices of fresh or frozen fruits so try popping your creative hat on to create treats such as fruity ice blocks, ‘pirate sword’ kababs or fruity ‘fairy wands. It is also helpful to notice at certain times if your child is truly hungry or simply choosing something to eat due to boredom or emotional issues. Offering a snack that is low in sugars will be beneficial in maintaining their energy levels. 

2. Learn to read food labels

It all begins in the supermarket.  If we choose not to read food labels, then we are relying on marketing geniuses to persuade us otherwise.  It’s difficult to choose a product on face value, with so many loopholes allowing companies to ride on claims that they are ‘natural’ or ‘organic’. These terms mean nothing if they are stuffed full of sugar and vegetable oils. 

The most important tool you can learn is how to read labels on the side of packets. Here is a handy guide to help out

3. Make your own

If you are able to make your own snacks and bakes, then you are controlling the amount of sugar they contain.  Most mass-produced food items are targeted towards the greater public…and they like sweet!  It’s in our best interest as parents to step away from these products to allow our children’s taste buds’ sugar tolerance levels to stabilise. Check out my recipe index for low sugar meal and snack ideas

4. Cull the desserts

There is no reason for desserts to be offered each night. It sends the wrong message and teaches your child that they should ‘leave the room’ for something potentially better. If your child is genuinely still hungry after a big day then offer some oatmeal, fruit or natural yoghurt for dessert. If they turn their noses up to this, then it’s usually a good indication of their true hunger levels!

5. Drinks

Sweet juices and drinks shouldn’t form any part of your child’s everyday diet. Water should always be the first choice. Fruit smoothies are a nutritious way to fuel children using whole fruit, oats and milk.

6. It is hidden everywhere

From sauces, bread, jams, peanut butter, chewy vitamins, biscuits, muesli bars, cereals, and dessert yoghurts, the list goes on.  Healthy eating habits start in the home and as parents, we lead by example. It is important to be conscientious with what foods we choose for our children and there should be early and repeated exposure to foods we wish our children to eat.

It’s quite confronting to realise how easy it is to load your child up on what you may perceive as ‘healthy’ foods. A little sugar here and there in our child’s diet isn’t going to rock the boat too much, as long as a ‘little’ doesn’t escalate to ‘normal’ or ‘every day’.

nutrition and health coaching

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