Cinnamon Spiced Apple and Coconut Overnight Oats

apple and cinnamon oat soak

I had such a great response to a recipe I posted on my personal Facebook page over the weekend that I thought I had better share it here.  Due to Instagram settings changing on a new phone, it was sent to the wrong Facebook account so here it is in all its glory.

Overnight oats are such a lovely breakfast to wake up to.  Mixed with yoghurt, fruit, and milk you can get creative and make up your own speciality with raw cacao (anyone say chocolate oats!) and berries!

Cinnamon spiced apple and coconut overnight oats

Cinnamon Spiced Apple and Coconut Overnight Oats

+ ½ cup oats
+ 1 cup rice or nut milk
+ 1/4  cup natural yoghurt
+ ¼ cup shredded coconut
+ ¾ apple cored and diced
+ 1 tsp vanilla
+ 1 tsp cinnamon
+ 2 tsp honey
+ 2 tbsp chia seeds

combine and soak overnight in the fridge and voila instant breakfast!

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