6 Easy Steps to Shift you Towards a Healthier Lifestyle


Wouldn’t it be nice to be consistently motivated to exercise…Just like you would make or buy your morning coffee.

It’s what motivates you to have that coffee, the pleasure and feeling afterwards that drives you and it’s this same feeling that eventually drives you to WANT to exercise.  I kid you not, although I’m not a coffee drinker it’s the endorphins you’re chasing after a good sweat which get under your skin and leads you to make it part of your lifestyle.
It all comes down to your behavioural traits, the daily habits we form through repetition that get so ingrained that we MAKE it part of the everyday.  It’s not always about fast-tracking everything we do because this will only create a short term result. If you want to do things properly don’t look for shortcuts or band-aids….make them stick like glue!
By looking deeper at the underlying reasons we self-sabotage it builds awareness of how to tackle things head-on.  Don’t give yourself an excuse why you should NOT exercise but pave the way to make the workout happen with a few conscious, pre-planned sifts in your lifestyle.


+ Don’t go to bed late, it’ll kill any effort to feel motivated when the alarm does go off in the morning. You’ll find waking up early or just adding in exercise to your day catching up with you in the evening and this is a good tired, a content tired.  Don’t fight it.
+ Watch less TV, it makes us lazy and demotivates….15 minutes turns into 60 mins and before you know it there goes the opportunity.  All you need is 30 mins to walk around the block or a quick youtube workout a few times a week and that adds up to a few kilos a year.
+ Plan an active family weekend. Go surfing, skiing, hiking, run next to the kids on their bikes or load them up onto yours.  Where there is a will there is a way…
+ Plan your weekly groceries in advance.  This will lessen the temptation to buy takeaways if you know well in advance and have everything ready to go.
+ Know the minute you wake up what kind of activity is on that day.  Make a workout plan every Sunday night for the week ahead so there doesn’t have to be too much thought processing going on during the week when you’re tired.   It kind of makes you accountable also.
+ If you are leaving the house always take healthy snacks.  Don’t let yourself get over hungry and keep some dried fruits, nuts, fruit and crackers on hand to nibble on until your next meal;

Give yourself every chance of creating a last habit.  Sure there are tough times but if it was easy everyone would be doing it…and who wants to be just average.  The results and satisfaction are what will drive you, in the end, to create the change and improve your way of life.


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