Quinoa Crusted Zucchini Chips

quinoa crusted zucchini chips
Chips….there is something about the word ‘chips’ or ‘fries’ that instantly makes any food more appealing.  To me, it means something that’s baked until nice and crisp, minimum oil and leaves a  satisfied feeling rather than a violated one that deep fried can do.

That’s why these quinoa crusted zucchini chips ticked all the boxes.  I came across them here and here and thought it must be a sign that I need to try them.  I guess you could do this with any vegetable but the poor old zucchini can be a bit bland on its own so it was time to put the zucchini in the spotlight (and yes I have to double take my spelling every time I type the word ‘zucchini’)

These are gluten-free as the crumb base is quinoa and rice rather than breadcrumbs so it has the added bonus of whole grains included.

So, if your looking for a healthier chip option give these a whirl, they are damn good and easy to boot.

Quinoa Crusted Zucchini Chips


+  3 zucchini chopped into thick slices

+  1/2 cup quinoa

+  2 rice cakes

+  1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated

+  salt and pepper to taste

+  sprinkle of onion flakes

+  2 eggs, beaten

What to do

+ Pre-heat oven to 180 degree

+ Place quinoa, rice cakes, salt and pepper and onion flakes in a food processor or thermomix to mill

+  Dip the zucchini discs in the egg mixture and then into the quinoa mixture, make sure all sides get coated well. Place the discs on the prepared baking sheet. I did each one, one at a time.

+ Sprinkle parmesan cheese over each one to coat

+ Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes until they start turning a golden brown

I had some leftover crumbs so I coated our turkey patties and pan-fried them until browned also


Chips, what are your favourite kind? skinny cut, thick cut, baked or fried?

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