There has never been a truer word said but the irony is, even the best in the business have no idea what it’s going to be like in regards to raising children whilst still trying to keep up some sort of fitness regime.
We all adapt to this parenting gig differently, some take to it as they have already experienced it in a past life while others are completely thrown. I was one of the later. The biggest part that helped me cope was to get back into fitness as soon as I could. It was my saviour that got me through the weeks that likened to running a marathon, back to back, for weeks on end (Catnapping/ reflux babies have a tendency steer the days this way). It was a bit like a double-edged sword at first but once I found the balance it all became clear.
1. Babies don’t just sleep when they are tired…they scream! Load up the pram and just get out of the house, this way you can get some exercise while the baby sleeps…righto, sure…NOT! Neither of my girls was fans of sleeping anywhere except in their dark, safe cot at home. I definitely persevered and can remember with horror trying to get my eldest off to sleep in the pram by just letting her scream! Since then I always took my baby Bjorn, and nearly always ended up carrying her home this way (hello sore but strong back).
3. The best way to get your body back is to exercise while they sleep during the day. The first few months are HARD, and all you want to do is sleep on the couch as soon as they hit the pillow. The day is night and night is day and that awful jetlag feeling doesn’t go away until you catch up on some ZZ’s. Be kind and rest your adrenals – your baby is going to need that energy when it wakes up.
6. Feed yourself properly especially if your breastfeeding…. Some days you’re lucky to even make it to the kitchen let alone have a free hand to make anything healthy. This is why a biscuit tin looks like your best friend most days…. Tip- Have some fruit and vegetable sticks on hand in the fridge for when the munchies strike but time is limited