Overnight Baked Berry Oatmeal – The Healthy Breakfast

This is a quick and easy breakfast idea – the perfect dish to wake up to during the cooler months. Prepare the night before, allow to soak in the fridge and then simply bake the next morning!

Overnight Baked Berry Oatmeal


2 cups oatmeal

3 cups milk of choice

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp baking powder

4 tbs rice malt syrup

2 tsp natvia sweetener or 2 tsp brown sugar 

2 cups berries

1 egg, lightly beaten

How to Make

  1. The night before, place all the ingredients in a baking dish and gently stir to combine
  2. Cover and store in the fridge overnight and allow the oats to soak and soften
  3. Remove from fridge 30 mins before baking (not mandatory) and then bake in oven 160 degrees for 1 hour (uncovered)
  4. Serve with a side of yoghurt

karla gilbert program

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