Healthy Nut Bars – Skip the Processed Ones and Make These Yourself!


Although there are some great choices for nuts bars in the shops these days, there is never anything quite as good as making your own.

These nutty logs are a fabulous way to whip up a quick batch and have them on the ready for a satisfying high protein snack.  There is no baking involved, and my kids loved getting involved in the rolling of the seeds.
They are gluten free and apart from the sugar is from the natural sugars in the dates.

Healthy nut bars


+ 250g almonds, raw with skins on
+ 200g dates, dried and pitted
+ 50g sunflower seeds
+ 30g shredded coconut
+ sesame seeds, for rolling

How to make:

+ Begin by toasting your sesame seeds in a frypan over medium heat until they start to turn golden.

+ Next blend (I used my thermomix) the dates, almonds, sunflower seeds and coconut. Here you can keep the texture as chunky or fine as you like.

+ Add a little water, just enough so that it begins to form a sticky mixture

+ With your sesame seeds on a plate, roll heaped teaspoons into small logs and roll in the seeds

+ Place or store the bars in the freezer and the bars are ready for the perfect little snack attack.

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