Healthy Hawaiian Chicken – Slow Cooker Recipe

halthy slow cooker chickenEven if it’s cold outside it’s nice to pretend you’re in the tropics and this meal does just that.  Hawaiian chicken in the slow cooker is perfect for busy days when you know you’ll be rushed and just need to walk in the door to an aroma filled house.

It’s a sweet yet salty taste that pleases most kids tummies

Healthy hawaiian chicken – slow cooker


500-800gms diced chicken breast

1 x 440gm tin of crushed pineapple

1 tablespoon minced garlic

1 tbs minced ginger

1/8 cup soy sauce

1/8 cup teriyaki sauce (not the marinade)


+ Add very simple, just place the diced chicken into slow cooker. Cover chicken with remaining ingredients. Cook on low for 4 to 6 hours.

+ Serve with vegetables and brown rice or as pulled chicken on slider buns with salad.

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