Hearty and Wholesome Healthy Chicken Filo Pie

chicken filo pie

It’s nice to convert a meal that could be a massive trans fatty blowout into something that is nourishing, healthy and yummy!  Pies are notorious for their high-calorie stodgy pastries and below average meat content but my healthy chicken filo pie is brimming with veggies, tender chicken thighs, eggs and filo pastry. The addition of eggs make this nice and fluffy and bakes together nicely!

You can easily add in different veggies, whatever is in that bottom fridge draw..just process them up.

Healthy Chicken Filo Pie


+ 500gm chicken thigh meat

+ 1 medium onion

+ 1 large zucchini, grated

+ 1 large carrot, grated

+ 1 cup chopped brocolli

+ 5 eggs + 1 egg for basting

+ spices

+ 1 packet filo pastry


1. Finely chop the onion and fry off with a splash of oil in a fry pan. Finely dice the chicken  and add to the frypan, until browined

2. Add the grated vegetables and lightly heat through

2. Whisk the 5 eggs in a bowl and add your choice of herbs and spices

3. In a pie or casserole dish, line the bottom and sides with a few layers of filo pastry (I go about 5 layers)

4. Add the chicken and vegetables to the pie dish and then pour over the egg mix

5. Top the pie with about the same amount of layering as the base and then baste the top with another egg (you won’t use all of it)

6. Place in the oven at 180 degrees for 45 mins or until browned and crisp.

Healthy chicken filo pie


Healthy Habits ebook

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