Light and Healthy, Clean and Green Breakfast Hash


After posting a quick breakfast oat soak last week, it was time for a breakfast that takes time to prepare but is totally worth it.

This is a guide to a basic version but you really can throw in anything you like from the vegetable drawer and use up those leftovers before the week begins again.

Clean and green breakfast hash


+  4 rashers rindless bacon

+  5 mushrooms chopped

+  2 handfuls kale, torn

+  1 punnet cherry tomatoes

+  3 potatoes (or better still, sweet potatoes), grated

+  2 slices stale bread, toasted

+  3 eggs


1//  Remove visible fat from bacon and place in the fry pan on high heat and brown

2//  Add grated potatoes and also brown

3//  Add the kale, tomatoes and mushrooms to the pan and cook through until slightly


4//  Add the chopped toast to the frying pan and then crack the eggs over the hash and

      swirl the pan so they are evenly distributed and accessing the heat of the pan. You

      may need to place a cover over the pan here so the eggs cook through

 5//  Slide onto a large dish or serve straight from the pan

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