Growing Good Women Webinar – Let’s Get The Conversation Started!

On the back of the successful Growing Good Men events, I’ve teamed up with 3 other amazing, brilliant and inspiring ladies for the first PBC/PBC Alliance Growing Good Women webinar. The goal of what we were trying to achieve from the event was to start conversations that count in regards to perhaps opening up on topics that are rarely touched on in regards to growing up during the teen years.  With personal stories of the panellists, we also delved into the barriers and struggles young women face in finding themselves and their place in the world.  Ashlee Thomas is just an amazing warrior and her story is so inspiring and a must listen to if you or you know someone that suffers from body image issues or disordered eating.

The panel: – myself, Karla Gilbert, ex-Iron woman champion and Palm Beach Currumbin High Alumni,

Ashlee Thomas, Anorexia Nervosa Survivor and Palm Beach Currumbin High Alumni,

Anna Willis, Psychologist and PBC Junior Secondary Guidance Officer, and 

Anna Wyatt, PBC Health Education Teacher

If you have teenage girls or know of anyone that would benefit please share this link, the more that we can expose what is potentially tough times, the better the outcome for supporting those that need it. 

If you have any feedback or questions please feel free to email PBC at

Ashlee’s Facebook page is @TheSecretBurden

nutrition and health coaching

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