Dairy Free Chocolate and Coconut Haystacks


raw chocolate-coconut haystacks

These little treats are an easy option to have up your sleeve to take to gatherings or kids parties. They take only a few minutes to make, and with a bit of fridge time, they are ready to go.

The chocolate comes from the cocoa powder mixed with coconut oil and syrups. Then it is simply and messy task of hand mixing all the ingredients together and licking your fingers clean 😉


Dairy Free Chocolate Haystacks


+ 1/2 cup raw cacao powder (available at your health food store)

+ 1/4 cup rice malt syrup

+ 1/4 cup maple syrup

+ 1/4 cup melted coconut oil

+ 1/2 tsp of vanilla

+ 2 cups shredded coconut

raw chocolate haystacks


1.  In a food processor or thermomix blend the cacao powder, syrups, coconut oil and vanilla until combined and sauce like

2.  In a bowl, add the coconut and pour over the chocolate mixture.  Mix with your hands until all is well combined

3.  On a non-stick or lined tray add formed tablespoons and allow to set in the fridge for 30 minutes. Store in the fridge or freezer.

* makes 12

So if you have a spare 5 minutes give these a whirl, they will probably only last that long in the fridge!

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