Chocolate Beetroot Muffins


You have every right to be sceptical about the words ‘beetroot’ and ‘cake’ being used in the same sentence but if you haven’t tried it yet, don’t write it off!

The reason the cake works so well is that of the moisture it adds to the cake and a denseness like mud cake but hey guess what..without all the calories and fat plus all the benefits that beetroot adds.

I am a beetroot fan, and apart from juicing and having as a dip, I have used the leaves by making chips as well.  But by adding beetroot to cakes it takes using vegetables in bakes to the next level.

I have changed the topping to a cream cheese version but it works just as well with melted dark chocolate and cocoa nibs.  So if you’re looking for a little choccy delight. Try this!

Chocolate Beetroot Muffins

Makes 24


250 gm beetroot, trimmed

2 tbs honey ( I added in 1 tbs of rice malt syrup as well, just to lose the earthy taste a bit more)

1 egg lightly beaten

1 tbs raw cacao powder (or cocoa if that’s all you have in the pantry)

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup self-raising flour

2 tbsp low-fat milk

1 tsp balsamic vinegar (this balances up the tastes)


1/2 cup low-fat cream cheese 1 tbsp rice malt syrup 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tsp vanilla extract 1-2 stevia packets


+ Preheat the oven 180 degrees. Line two 12 hole mini muffin tins with patty cases

+ Boil the beetroot in 2 litres of water for 30-40 minutes, until tender.  Turn off the heat and allow it to cool in the saucepan.  When cool enough to handle remove the beetroot from the cooking water and peel. Roughly purée in a blender.

+ Using a wooden spoon, mix together the oil, honey, rice malt and egg. Stir in the cocoa, vanilla and beetroot purée, flour, milk and balsamic vinegar.  Combine well. Spoon 1 tbs of batter into each patty case and bake for 15 minutes. Test they are cooked via inserting a skewer and cool on a wire rack.

+ Combine all the frosting ingredients in a medium bowl.  Use a hand mixer to fully combine.  Mix until smooth and spoon over each cake once they are cooled. Enjoy with a cup of dandelion tea!

chocolate beetroot muffins

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