In Australia we are pretty much smack, bang in the middle of Summer…and feeling it. Averaging temps in the mid 35 degrees has been nothing short of sweltering making it too hot to even sit at the beach.
I love it though and wouldn’t change this time of the year for any other season, Summer to me is the pinnacle of the year with the longer days and balmy nights, living in the water…..LOVE IT!
Eating salads and light meals rather than winter roasts and bakes, stone fruits and mangoes, and enjoying refreshing drinks is what Summer is all about.
Sometimes though water just doesn’t seem to quench your thirst, so I made a batch of this beautifully refreshing tea that has just the right amount of zing.
Iced mint lime tea
+ sugar and/or stevia
+ 3 cups water
+ 1 cup mint leaves
+ 4 white tea bags
+ 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
+ sparkling water
How to make
+ Add 1/2 cup water to a saucepan and add sugar (I used approx 1/4 cup white sugar and 4 stevia sachet but it all depends on how sweet you like it)
+ Over medium heat, dissolve the sugar and then add the mint leaves. Give the mint leaves a good smash as this makes it nice and zingy. Remove from the heat and let cool.
+ Boil 3 cups of water and infuse the tea bags for a couple of minutes, let cool and then strain the mint leaves
+ Add the lime juice to the syrup mixture. Add the syrup mixture to the tea bag infused water.
+ Just before serving pour half a cup and then top up with sparkling water to make a super refreshing sparkling drink. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and lime slices.
Mmmm can you taste it? It just screams summertime..
What is your favourite Summertime beverage…or should I not ask? 😉