5 Life Changing Activities That Can Make a Big Impact

As we travel through life our goals and perspectives change. 

Have you noticed how your priorities changed in your 20’s from those in your 30’s, 40’s…?

It’s important that the relevance of our goals stay connected to where we are heading and for motivation to remain strong. With this life-changing shift comes a reassessment, a different mindset as our values change around circumstances and responsibilities. I liken it to a reinvention of one’s self – a flow of energy that helps seep positivity into all aspects of life.  We are ever-evolving, cells are renewing, energy changes from one form to another, neurons are rewiring by the second and this is something that should be considered.

Coming from a career as an elite athlete held its challenges as I progressed into a ‘normal way of life.  To help with the transition, I began my blog Ironmum Karla and began sharing what I had learnt through my experience while continually studying at my own accord. In a way, there was an unconscious want/need to help others overcome hardships and setbacks, something I felt sport had an amazing hand at teaching me.  Nutrition and Health Coaching was my calling and something that brings a level of satisfaction each day. Rather than prescribing a diet or exercise plan, I focus on working out what clients want, their whys and what barriers stand in the way. We dig a little deeper into behaviour and really find out what motivates, enough to cultivate an action plan and work through structured steps to create a lasting change.

It really does sum up exactly what I’m trying to achieve with each blog I write. Assisting everyone in realising their own dreams through nutrition and health.

Do you feel a turning point in your own life?  Perhaps something has created the shift and there is a pull to a better life.  When working with clients these are some key points I like to ask.


wellness coaching points to consider

What came up for you?  Did anything come to light? Quite often these questions bring a sense of clarity that can help a change process.  Most commonly, and something you may have noticed yourself, when a change occurs it’s prompted by things such as relationship breakdowns, changes in lifestyle, perhaps a health scare, or new phases of life etc.

After what feels like a ‘snap’ or sudden direction change in life we are filled with limitless motivation and purpose.  Run with this energy and channel it wisely into something that rings true to you.

5 Most Common Life-Changing Activities People Embark On

  1. A trip of a lifetime. If you’re in a financially stable position to do so, take that holiday you’ve always dreamt of. I love the motto ‘do it because you can’ because tomorrow may be a different story. Do one thing that brings you closer to finding out more about that dream holiday.  Perhaps chat to a travel agent, google TripAdvisor and subscribe to travel newsletters to receive special updates. Visit the outer unknown or embark on a soul-searching retreat.
  2. Learn something new. Want something empowering – learn karate.  Always enjoyed art?  Join an art group. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do since you were a child? Follow that passion and make it happen.
  3. Start a new career. You’re not a tree? So if there is something you don’t enjoy about your workplace, pull your roots up and move! If there is a new direction you would like to take perhaps studying is required. Upskill yourself and prepare for the move. 
  4. Challenge yourself through sport – perhaps the thought of completing a marathon doesn’t seem so distant, or even entering a fun run.  It could even be enough of a challenge for you to join a gym and begin a path back to fitness. Feeling good on the inside translates to the outside.
  5. Undo your habits – Sometimes it’s not always about starting something new but overwriting the old. Try keeping a food diary for a week and record your eating habits. Take a hard look at what is leading to daily stress and become aware of avoiding these triggers. Go to bed an hour earlier so you have more energy each day.  Engage in a Nutrition and Health Coach for assistance. motivation, education and accountability. The possibilities are endless and unique to us all.

nutrition and health coaching


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