4 Apps to Help You Create Some Head Space


Life gets overwhelming  – we get tired and sometimes, a good nights sleep just isn’t enough… 

There’s certainly a fine balance in life, and once you overstep that threshold in creeps stress, anxiety, fear and panic. It’s OK on days to feel so busy you’re about to burst, as long as you are feeling in control and not allowing these times be of detriment. Plus you have the ability to recognise these times and know how to pull in the reigns.

My personality actually prefers to be ‘unbusy’, (which may be hard to believe for some), and if there are too many tasks that are taking me away from my core goals and desires, then I begin to feel a little frantic.  I have learnt over time that the easiest way to regroup is to just give myself a 10-15 minute moment of calmness to carry on with my day.

Back in the day of professional Ironwoman competition, my best friend was a walkman with (remember those days), guided relaxation tracks. It really was the only way I could block out the pressures of racing and expectations and allow a level of control to return. It was all a bit ‘hippy-like’ back then and only those close to me knew, but the great news is that it is becoming more and more mainstream.  There are so many apps to help you tap into your mind to create space for clarity and purpose.

If you’re children or boss are stressing you out or perhaps you have a deadline to meet – If you find it hard to fall asleep at night or just need a moment to yourself,  I guarantee you will feel the benefits of giving yourself a 10-minute break. Sure, it may take a few run-throughs before you get the hang of it, but the more you practice (like anything) the easier it will be for you to return to this feeling of serenity. The more you can stay in a state of low-level arousal, the more you will feel the benefits and return to a new ‘set point’.

So, create some time in your day, where you can escape the chaos and noise (that means the noise in your mind also) and unwind. That 10 minutes you were going to catch up on social media could be better spent…

4 Apps to Help You Create Head Space and Calm

1.  Take a Break – This free App has options to buy other options – but I like the simple free version of Take a Break which offers a quick 7 min or stress relief 13 minutes guided meditation. You can also choose your background music to suit your mood.

2.  Calm – This is another free app that gives you 7 sessions to unwind and enjoy the feeling of calm. Available in android also.

3.  Headspace – This is my favourite. The 10-minute sessions is presented in a cool, fun way and the first 10 are free.

4.  Stop, Breathe and Think –  With this app, you can develop and apply kindness and compassion in your daily life through a process called STOP, BREATHE & THINK.  It also has a section on how to meditate which is great for beginners.


Try it today, once you make the conscious decision to add this to your life, it will bring big rewards


karla gilbert health coach

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