How Parenting Can Affect Your Eating Habits in a Positive Way

Motherhood brings so many life changes in so many different ways, our body changes, sleep patterns change, responsibilities creep in, and selfish ways are kicked to the kerb.  Another factor that can either be positive or negative is the way it affects our waistline…I have always been super aware of what goes into my body, it was ingrained in me from a young age and something I was always aware of throughout my sporting career. 

In saying this though I do think that the introduction of kidlets has improved our household eating habits.

Pre-kids (in our 20’s!) we would sneak in a softdrink, or sugary cereal to have on the odd occasion.  Stirfry’s used to make up the majority of nightly dinners (quick, easy but lack of variety) and we could easily go a day without fruit if the fridge was bare.

Since the girls have come along, I have found that not only am I watching out for what they eat, but I’m also paying much more attention to my own diet as well.  I like to act as a role model to my children and I don’t like to have double standards, so it is a case of trying to be mindful of what monkey sees, monkey does!

Always have fresh fruits and vegetables in the house. Having a snack of fresh fruit in the morning or afternoon is a good habit for all of us.  Having variety in the fridge so the girls can experience a wide variety of tastes, textures and nutrients have become something I now pay more attention to.

The little treats have slowly been phased out because having it around means that our kids will always be asking for it.  Once you have little ones looking up to you to set the example, it really makes you realise there are always areas for improvement.

My cooking skills definitely have gone up a notch and I know that variety and presentation are a major player if you want meals to be a family hit.

Of course, having kids can send us the other way if we give in to what they prefer to eat and don’t keep the fridge and pantry stocked up.  Planning and preparation are other big factors that can help when it comes to healthy eating.


Naked Habits ebook


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