Heavenly Healthy Mexican Zucchini Tacos

zucchini tacos

I love Mexican food. From the flavours, freshness and celebration of colour, Mexican food just speaks my language!

But, in saying that, I’m not a huge fan of tortilla wraps or taco shells, preferred to keep things simple as an open salad or share plate. So, after seeing a similar creation of zucchini tacos come through my facebook feed, I decided this was something I just had to try for myself. I’m a massive fan of zucchini and by taking a look through my recipe index you will understand – from crispy zucchini friesgluten free zucchini slice,unfried pad thai, roast vegetable wreath, the list just goes on!

Made from grated zucchini, these healthy zucchini tacos are made without gluten, dairy or added sugars but have so much flavour over standard tortillas, you may find the standard old corn tortilla a thing of the past.

The secret in making these is to ensure you have strained as much liquid as possible from the zucchini before you start, this is what’s going to either make or break the success of you tortilla once they’ve been in the oven. 

Heavenly Healthy Zucchini Tacos

zucchini tacos

Ingredients – Makes approx 6 shells

  • 2 cups grated zucchini
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tbs almond meal
  • 1 tsp dried onion flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated black pepper
  • 1 tbs chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup arrowroot
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour

How to Make

  1. Pre-heat fan forced oven to 150 degrees
  2. Place the grated zucchini in a strainer with 1 tsp of salt and gently fold through. Leave approx 10 mins and then with the back of your wrist, try to press zucchini down as to squeeze out as much remaining water as you can. Wait 5 mins and repeat.
  3. Spoon zucchini to large bowl and add in the egg, almond meal, onion flakes, pepper, chia seeds, arrowroot and coconut flours. Stir to combine so you are creating something in between a dough and a batter. The purpose of the chia seeds, coconut flour and arrowroot is to absorb and excess moisture so using a different flour here is not recommended. Play this part by ear and add in more coconut flour if need be. It pays to wait another 5 mins here after the ingredients have been stirred to make sure the excess liquid is absorbed before baking.
  4. Line 2 x large baking sheets with parchment paper and give a light spray with olive oil. To much oil here will make them soggy.  Using your hands, scoop and palm size ball of mixture and press down on baking pan into a thin circle, about 10cm wide. Remember to try and keep the same thickness as any thinner edges will burn before they are cooked. Repeat for remainder of mixture.
  5. Place the shells in the oven for about 15 minutes, or until the shells begin to look and feel crisp. There is a fine line between not done and burning so stay close to the oven during this time. Too long and the shells dry out, too short and they will be soggy
  6. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before peeling off or using a thin spatula to gently pry off parchment paper
  7. Serve immediately or store in the fridge

zucchini tacos tortilla

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