Healthy Lasagne Rolls

healthy lasagne rolls

If you find making lasagne a little bit fiddly then this recipe could be for you.  These healthy lasagne rolls are my take on something Jamie Oliver was cooking up a few weeks ago on TV.  I couldn’t find a recipe off the net so winged my way and came up with this family hit.

Basically you are rolling the ingredients in fresh cannoli or lasagne sheets, adding some cheese, rolling them up and baking them in the oven after a good dose of passata. Jamie actually did the whole recipe in a frying pan but I wasn’t sure how it would cook through so I preferred to bake.

Healthy Lasagne Rolls

500gm low-fat premium mince – can be beef or chicken

2 tsp garlic

125 gm spinach frozen or fresh – steamed

2 carrots, grated

4 celery sticks, processed

1 x packet fresh lasagne sheets

1 x large jar of pasta sauce or passata

your favourite Italian herbs and spices

1 cup grated low-fat cheese

jamie oliver lasagne rolls


1. Brown the and cook through. Add the mince to a colander and rinse under hot water to remove excess fat.  Return mince to the pan and then add garlic.

2. Add half the pasta sauce to the mince and then add the carrot, celery, spinach and herbs and spices

3. Once the ingredients are cooked through, place aside in a bowl and start preparing the sheets. Lay one sheet at a time and place just enough mince mixture as if you were rolling sushi or making pin wheel sandwiches.

4. Sprinkle cheese over the mixture and then begin rolling the sheet.  Once rolled, cut into sections and place them in a deep baking tray that has been lined with the rest of the jar of pasta sauce. You are aiming to have the pasta sauce at least a 1/3 of the way up the rolls.

5. Bake in a 200-degree oven for around 45 minutes until they are browned and crisp. Serve with a side salad. Enjoy!

lasagne rolls

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