Quick Fruit Fairy Wands and Pirate Boat Fruit Snacks

Now that the weather is heating up it is perfect timing to make some fun fruit treats with the kids.  I find that if it is remotely linked to any sort of pretend play it is sure-fire winner.  Magic also happens in the freezer with ‘fruit’ appearing to now be a ‘popsicle’.

Here are some fun fruit snack ideas to whip up with your kids

Quick Fruit Fairy Wands and Pirate Boat Fruit Snacks

fruit fairy wands

These fruit fairy wands are super simple.

+ grab a few skewers
+ place grapes on first or berries if they are in season
+ with a star shaped cookie cutter make some watermelon stars
+ place in the freezer for a couple of hours before serving

pirate fruit boats

For the boys we have some pirate fun

+ cut an orange into half and then into ‘smiley’ faces
+ chop up some bananas into round shapes and in half diagonally then into sections for the body.  You could also use a grape for the body
+ again with toothpicks or skewers slide the banana pieces on and stick in the middle of the orange ‘boat’
+ for extra squeals of happiness place in the freezer for a few hours

See, super simple and it keeps everyone happy!

What little creative tricks do you use to jazz up fruit for your kids?

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