The Wise Wellness Tips Our Children Can Teach Us

learning wellness from kids

We are often explaining to our children about the big wide world and how much there is to know and learn about.  But this shouldn’t necessarily be seen as a one-way street.  Amongst all the daily busyness we grownups get caught up in, we can also learn a thing or two from them, by just watching and observing the way our children go about their day.
It’s all about keeping things uncomplicated and stress-free.  Not getting too caught up in something that we can’t control and moving on from it quickly.

6 wellness tips we can learn from kids

+ Play outdoors  – these days we spend way too much time on the computer or in the office.  Get outdoors and catch those rays (with SPF 30+) and soak up the vitamin D.  Feel your mood get elevated and how it can bring perspective to all your woes.

+ Sleep when you are tired – even if you dedicate a week of scaling back the night time activities and aim to get hop into bed an hour earlier.  Lack of sleep undoes everything and can even affect our weight loss goals.  Remind yourself of what it feels like to be well-rested.

+ Be adventurous – indulge your curiosity and walk on the wild side. It could be in the way you dress or the lipstick you wear.  Step outside your comfort zone and try something new.  We get so caught up in the day to day grind with routine playing king.  Go get that haircut you have always wanted or join a gym…cease the day!

+  Don’t have presumptions – our kids are great at just walking up to anyone in a park and playing with them – sometimes to the extreme of stranger danger – but it just reinforces the fact that we shouldn’t assume the worst in people.  Everyone is a potential friend and it is up to us to let them in.

+ Show your emotions –  it is OK to ‘feel’ things – days get overwhelming and sometimes all you need is a good hug or chat to get back on track.  Our kids are great at showing us they are upset and usually a quick cuddle will fix everything.  Affectionate words and actions do go a long, long way.

+ Be lighthearted – enjoy moments with an open and clear mind without worrying about consequences.  Everything can be cleaned up or put away, just let your heart lead sometimes and throw flour around in the kitchen or dunk your head when you’re at the beach.  Life is too short for restrictions.

What are the daily reminders your kids or kids you know teach you?

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